Friday, 29 November 2024

Episode 16 - Steve is Dave's Deadliest Enemy of All

Once I committed to this naming convention for part 1, part 2's title was a gimme.

I think that Robert Conrad really showed some range here.

I don't want to, however, hear his kissing noises.

Rabaul was certainly an important base for the Japanese.

It was eventually just bypassed.

The use of Tora Tora Tora footage was really good in this one.

What's the deal with Bobby Boyle's hair?

I love Gutterman, but sometimes I want to yell at him.

Nurses still in their civvy uniforms..

Part 2 was better than Part 1, just like it was with Rockford!

The actual Pappy is in this one!

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Episode 18 - Steve the Dave Way

New contender for worst title ever! This one is fun because the actors are given the opportunity to, you know, act. Jeff MacKay was really g...