Friday, 12 January 2024

Episode 6 - Prisoners of Dave and Steve

Nice title Dave, why thank you Dave.

This is one of the most highly rated by fans, according to IMDB anyway.

There is a strong 'war, what is it good for' vibe in this episode.

Gutterman is about to snap, even more than usual.

Ping pong/table tennis is not Japanese, though what would he be good at, baseabll?

Hutch shows us the NCO vs officer tension that exists in most militaries.

Wow, the Japanese are about to attack Mexico!


We both like this one a lot, inaccuracies and all.

Pappy Boyington wouldn't commit war crimes.

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Episode 18 - Steve the Dave Way

New contender for worst title ever! This one is fun because the actors are given the opportunity to, you know, act. Jeff MacKay was really g...